For any investment in Djerba: purchase, sale, long-term or seasonal rental and follow your renovation and construction projects, within a wide range of real estate products: Villas, Houchs, Apartments, Land, VEFA and New Projects.
WB Immo Djerba Tunisia is your real estate agency located in Djerba, with a dynamic and professional team integrated into local life to provide you with advice and support to realize your dreams in conditions adapted to your expectations.
We target your visit according to your architectural and financial requirements and the nature of your project, so you will have:
Choose your land from our ready-made proposals
Possibility to modify your plan according to your tastes and your budget
Choice of decorative materials (paint, pottery, tiles, etc.)
We guarantee that your products have a good quality/price ratio.
Real estate investment in Djerba is a very profitable investment. We are at your disposal for all your construction and supply projects in Djerba.